This Country of Ours - Part 7
by Henrietta Elizabeth Marshall (1867 - 1941)
Washington - First in War, First in Peace - 23:28
Adams - How He Kept Peace With France - 05:54
Jefferson - How the Territory of the United States Was Doubled - 08:38
Jefferson - How the Door Into the Far West Was Opened - 11:39
Jefferson - About an American Who Wanted To Be a King - 09:56
Madison - The Shooting Star And the Prophet - 06:50
Madison - War With Great Britain - 14:11
Monroe - The First Whispers of a Storm - Monroe's Famous Doctrine - 09:48
Adams - The Tariff of Abominations - 03:22
"Liberty And Union, Now And Forever" - Van Buren - Hard Times - 13:15
Harrison - The Hero of Tippecanoe - 04:38
Tyler - Florida Becomes a State - 03:15
Polk - How Much Land Was Added To the United States - 13:58
Polk - The Finding of Gold - 09:44
Taylor - Union Or Disunion - 06:56
Fillmore - The Underground Railroad - 08:01
Pierce - The Story of "Bleeding Kansas" - 09:01
Buchanan - The Story of the Mormons - 08:36
Buchanan - The First Shots - 06:45
Lincoln - From Bull Run To Fort Donelson - 11:56
Lincoln - The Story of the First Battle Between Ironclads - 05:47
Lincoln - Thru Battle of Shiloh And the Taking of New Orleans - 12:02
Lincoln - The Slaves Are Made Free - 10:25
Lincoln - Chancellorsville - the Death of Stonewall Jackson - 09:04
Lincoln - The Battle of Gettysburg - 09:16
Lincoln - Grant's Campaign - Sheridan's Ride - 17:31
Lincoln - Sherman's March To the Sea - Lincoln Re-elected President - 08:59
Lincoln - the End of the War - The President's Death - 09:16
Johnson - How the President Was Impeached - 08:07
Grant - A Peaceful Victory - 04:13
Hayes - Garfield - Arthur - 05:26
Cleveland - Harrison - Cleveland - 07:36
McKinley - War And Sudden Death - 11:22
Roosevelt - Taft - 07:25
Wilson - Troubles With Mexico - 10:59
Wilson - The Great War- 11:56